The Berlin Risk Appraisal and Health Motivation Study BRAHMS was conducted in Berlin, Germany, in 1994. Participants' blood pressure and cholesterol were measured. After that, they received feedback on their individual values and on whether these were optimal, borderline high, or high. A variety of variables was assessed both immediately after the feedback and a couple of days later. Half a year after the first screening, participants had the opportunity to take part in a second one with (almost) the same procedure.
Contents of BRAHMS-webpages
Researchers A list of the researchers who participated in the BRAHMS study, with links to the institutions they are affiliated with and with their e-mail addresses.
Procedure Information on study design and on the procedure that participants took part in are presented.
Instruments The project's scale documentation is available as a PDF file for downloading.
Publications A list of publications that resulted from the project.